Guest Post: Printing Matchbox Models

Gastbeitrag: Drucken von Matchbox Modellen Die richtige STL-Datei finden Das Drucken von Matchbox Modellen erfordert als allererstes Druck Dateien, so genannte STL-Dateien. Diese sind wenn du nicht selber konstruieren und designen kannst im Internet für m

Find the right STL file

Printing Matchbox models requires the very first print files, so-called STL files. If you can't construct and design them yourself, you can find them on the internet for good to very expensive money.

Accessories for Hotwheels / Matchbox cars are easier because there's more choice and they range from free to expensive.

Which 3D printer is the right one?

Once you have found the file that suits you, you “only” need a printer and a suitable slicer that converts the 3D file into a suitable language (format) for your printer.
With the 1:64 scale and deco parts / figures, it's the details that count. Therefore, only a resin printer makes sense. I print on an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro and an Elegoo Saturn.

Clean 3D parts

So then prints the whole story and the thing goes on.
There are different resin (resin) e.g. B. The Standard and Waterwashable.
With the standard, you have to clean your parts thoroughly with ISOproanol after printing.
That means you need vessels, brushes, etc. and isopropanol is not without.
Then there is Waterwashable.
You can practically wash it off with water. Also there suitable vessel etc.

The water and also the ISO should be disposed of professionally if there is too much contamination.
You should also always wear gloves, and ideally also a mask and goggles.

Parts are now cleaned.

Then you can remove the supports with a suitable tool.
After that you need a UV light in the form of a purchased or crafted box in which you harden your prints.
If you did that, your parts are ready.

Thank you for this great guest post!