Creality Wifi Box 2.0
Creality Wifi Box 2.0
Creality Wifi Box 2.0
Creality Wifi Box 2.0
Creality Wifi Box 2.0
Creality Wifi Box 2.0
Creality Wifi Box 2.0
Creality Wifi Box 2.0

Creality Wifi Box 2.0

53,95 €

inkl. MwSt. Kostenloser Versand

• AUF LAGER - in ca. 2-4 Tagen bei dir
Versandkostenfrei ab 45 €
30 Tage RĂĽckgaberecht
Kauf auf Rechnung
Schneller Support

SKU: P0654S | EAN: 6971636407713


Experience innovative 3D printing control with the Creality Wifi Box 2.0

Optimize your 3D printing process with the latest version of the Creality Wifi Box 2.0. This powerful device offers a variety of functions that not only make it easier to use, but also increase efficiency.

Real-time remote control

With the Creality Wifi Box 2.0 you can Control and monitor your 3D printer in real time from anywhere via the Creality Cloud APP. This allows for seamless integration into your workflow without you having to be physically present.

Time-lapse function for fascinating moments

Time-lapse photography records the exciting moments of the printing process that are barely noticeable to the naked eye . These recordings are automatically saved in the cloud and can be accessed at any time via the Creality Cloud.

Easy network configuration via Bluetooth

Setting up your network is thanks to the Bluetooth functionality a piece of cake. This not only improves the user experience but also saves valuable time during setup.

Other outstanding features

  • Immediate upload of the print log to the cloud
  • Versatile interfaces and powerful functions

Share the joy of printing

By connecting to the Creality Wifi Box 2.0, you can not only print easily, but also track and control printing tasks in real time. Upload your fascinating print results to the cloud and share them with the Creality community.

Discover the advantages of the Creality Wifi Box 2.0 and bring your 3D printing to a new level. Click “Add to Cart” now to secure this groundbreaking technology!


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Deutschland ✅ Ja! Ab 45,00€ 4,99€
Luxemburg ✅ Ja! Ab 69,00€ 9,90€
Monaco ✅ Ja! Ab 69,00€ 9,90€
Niederlande ✅ Ja! Ab 69,00€ 9,90€
Österreich ✅ Ja! Ab 69,00€ 9,90€
Polen ✅ Ja! Ab 69,00€ 9,90€
Tschechien ✅ Ja! Ab 69,00€ 9,90€

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